Journey to the End of the World

Journey to the End of the World by Libin Joseph on Scribd


  1. Replies
    1. Geoff Green is the founder and executive director of Students on ice expeditions.
      He used to take take young children for expedition to Antarctica to make them realize the prevailing conditions

  2. Replies
    1. Geoff Green is the founder and executive director of Students on ice expeditions.

      He used to take take young children for expedition to antartica to make them realize the prevailing conditions

  3. Replies
    1. Sir Geoff led the Students Of Ice programme.
      He got tired of his job and wanted to give it back in the same way

  4. Replies
    1. Sir Geoff Green started the Canadian charitable organisation SOI (Students On Ice) which leads expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctic for international High School.He basically wanted to create awareness about the damage we as humans are giving to nature and that we must mend our ways before its too late.

  5. Good morning sir
    Abhyuday A
    Geoff Green is the founder and executive director of Students on ice expeditions and he has been leading Polar expeditions for more than 2 decades

  6. Good morning sir
    Jayant jain this side
    Sir, Geoff green headed the " students on ice " programme which basically takes high school students on expeditions.
    He was tired of his regular job after he became rich and wanted to give it back in 'some way'.

  7. Good morning sir , kanav this side
    1)He used to take take young children for expedition to antartica to make them realize the prevailing conditions
    2)Since humans were etching their dominance over the nature, he wanted them to see the glaciers melting so that they could realize the danger

  8. Replies
    1. 1. Geoff green founded soi
      2. He also led numerous expeditions

  9. Replies
    1. 1)Sir Geoff led the students of ica programme.
      2)He wanted to create awareness about the damage that human beings gave to the nature and that they should mend there ways .

  10. GoodAfternoon Sir
    Two Points:-
    1. Geoff Green’s ‘Students on Ice’ programme aims at taking high school students to the ends of the world.
    2. He used to take high school students to show them the terrifying impacts of human activities in Antarctica so that, the students will realise that the end of the earth is quite near and therefore something should be done to save the planet.

    Samarth Singh

  11. Good Morning Sir
    1. He used to take take young children for expedition to antartica to make them realize the prevailing conditions.
    2. He basically wanted to create awareness about the damage we as humans are giving to nature and that we must mend our ways before its too late.

  12. Good afternoon sir,
    Anit terrance Abner
    Geoff Green took the high school students to one end of the world, to provide them the opportunity to develop the respect and understanding for the earth. He wanted to make the future policy-makers to experience how difficult it would have been for the earth to sustain life by rising its temperature.

  13. good afternoon ma'am
    jayan bhatia

    1)Geoff Green started the program,Students On Ice for high school students because he wanted to give them an oppurtunity to understand and value our planet
    2)He wanted to give the students hand on experince that will enable them to understand and shape the future of the world as policy makers

  14. good afternoon sir
    sadyanta malik
    1.Geoff Green started the Canadian charitable organisation SOI (Students On Ice) which leads expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctic for international High School.
    2.Since humans were etching their dominance over the nature, he wanted them to see the glaciers melting so that they could realize the danger


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