In the last class we discussed the short answer questions from this particular chapter. The answers of the short answer questions are given below. Copy it in your English note book

1.      Why was Douglas determined to get over his fear of water?
The misadventure of having a near drowning experience left an indelible mark on Douglas’s mind. The phobia of water hampered all his joys of enjoying different water sports like fishing, caning, boating and swimming. Douglas did not want to live with this handicap.  So, He was determined to overcome it at any cost.
2.      Why did mother warn Douglas against river Yakima?
Mother warned Douglas against river Yakima as it was treacherous. Very deceptive look at this apparently harmless river had claimed several lives. Mother did not want her son go anywhere near it. So she warned him against the river.
3.      What factors made Douglas decide in favor of the YMCA pool?
The pool at YMCA was built with the learners in mind. It was just two or three feet deep at the shallow end and nine feet deep at the other end. The slop was a gradual one, thus the learner learnt swimming without exposing himself to any grave risk.
4.      What complex did Douglas have when he had to get into the pool? What did he do about it?
Douglas was a skinny child with under developed muscles. He was ashamed to expose his lean and thin legs while walking into the pool. However since he wanted to learn swimming, he had no alternative and he somehow subdued his pride and walked into the pool with naked legs.
5.      How did Douglas overcome his childhood aversion to water in YMCA pool?
The YMCA pool revived unpleasant memories of Douglas’s childhood. However determined to learn swimming he paddled with his new water wings. His keen observation helped him to lean by imitating. Soon he gathered confidence and got over his aversion of water.
6.      Describe Douglas’s downward journey to the bottom of the pool for the second time.
Douglas’s downward journey to the bottom of the pool for the second time was nightmarish experience. With legs almost paralyzed aching lungs and throbbing head Douglas felt suffocated. A relentless pull of the water absolutely terrorized him. Yet he managed to remember to jump with all his might towards the surface of the pool.
7.      What did Douglas learn from his experience of almost drowning?
The almost drowning experience taught him that death itself is not terrifying, instead it is peaceful. It is the fear of death that is torturous. Therefore it is imperative to get over fear and keep it at bay; otherwise man may have to die many deaths before his life actually comes to an end.
8.      How did the narrator fight his terror while struggling to come out of water?
On being forcibly pushed into water Douglas retained his wits. He focused his mind on the solution rather than on the problem. He tried to work out a strategy to save himself and concentrated on it. This helped him not to be defeated by the sensation of terror.
9.      Why did Douglas refrain from going into the pool all alone the fateful day?
On the fateful day when he reached the pool he found himself all alone there. He observed the stillness of water and the quietness of the place. Feeling too timid to plunge into the water all by himself he decided to wait for others to come.
10.  Why did Douglas have an initial aversion for water?
At the age of three or four years, he was once knocked down by the waves at California beach. The waves swept over him and he was buried under them. The overpowering force of water terrorized him and he developed an aversion for it.

Go through the long answer questions and its key. Write answers in your own words using the given keys.

LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS ( with key points)
1.      How did Douglas develop an aversion to water?
·        His childhood experience
·        He was knocked down by the waves in California beach.
·        He was buried in water.
·        His breath was gone and he was frightened.
·        He decided to learn swimming.
·        He had gone to YMCA pool.
·        The first frightening experience at YMCA pool.
·        An eighteen year old boy picked him up and tossed him into the deep water.
·        He never went back to the pool.
·        Developed a fear of water.
·        He was not able to do any water sports.
·        A paralyzing fear grabbed his heart.
2.      How did Douglas overcome his fear of water?
·        He was afraid of water from a very young age.
·        His to misadventures made him afraid of water.
·        Experience at California beach.
·        Experience at YMCA swimming pool.
·        He avoided water sports.
·        He decided to overcome his fear of water.
·        He decided to have a professional help.
·        Appointed an instructor.
·        He observed keenly each and every movement.
·        He made use of every opportunity.
·        Hard working and persistence helped him to come out of his fear of water.
·        Success is gained by throwing out “fear of fear”.

FEAR has two meanings

Forget everything and Run
Face everything and Rise
The choice is yours


  1. Good morning sir
    Abhyuday Agrawal

  2. Good Morning sir
    Jayan Bhatia this side
    three adjectives- Dizzy,Chocked,Weak

  3. Good morning sir kanav this side ,
    The adjectives used are - weak, dizzy and chocked

  4. Good morning sir
    Jayant this side
    The adjectives are: dizzy, shocked and frightfulness

  5. Good morning sir
    Vansh Taneja
    Adjectives- dizzy and choked

  6. Good morning sir
    -Tanay Bhatia
    The adajactives are :dizzy,weak and shocked

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Good Morning Sir
    Adrian Menezes
    Adjectives:- discomfort,torture,despair

    1. comfort is a noun.
      torture is noun and verb
      despair is noun and verb

  9. Good morning sir
    Divit Chugh

  10. Good Morning Sir
    Samarth Singh
    Adjectives: dizzy,weak,choked

  11. saksham bhat
    Dizzy, weak, choked

  12. Good afternoon sir the 3 advectives are : dizzy weak and frightening, Sreyansh this side

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Good afternoon sir
    i'm Anit Terance Abner
    Adjectives are dizzy, weak and frightening

  15. good afternnon sir
    sadyanta malik
    3 adjectives: frightened, dizzy and weak

  16. Dizzy, frightfulness and weak.


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